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The interior of the LARIMAR mine needs intervention and more attention from the Government, NOW

Excerpt: Interview Ser Humano with María Elena Núñez

By: Amelia Deschamps


October 21, 2023

“Let’s don’t put the padlock on after they steal from us.” The interior of the #Larimar mine has high of levels of risk and danger that must be addressed and mitigated by the Dominican Government NOW. Because it is about protecting people’s lives.

Beyond the investments that are being made outside (which are important) the major investment has to be made INSIDE, in the tunnel and in the excavations that have already been done by the miners. I repeat: NOW.

This is not to alarm, but to PREVENT. “As long as we are celebrating the Larimar, there are not going to be problems. But the day it happens (and I would not want a serious accident to happen) the responsibility will no longer be of the miners; it will be of the STATE.”

“And none of us want that accident to happen! Nor is the intention that the mine be closed, but THAT INTERVENTION BE TAKEN IN TIME.”

“What do I understand? That the Dominican Government, considering that the Ministry of Tourism promotes the #larimar stone as our National Stone. and it is!”

“That the Ministry of Culture talks about the importance of #larimar, and that the Ministry of Energy and Mines recognizes this mining activity and follows up on it…”

“Here has to be developed a serious dialogue about this mine in order to decide to do bigger Intervention, at this moment and with the participation of MORE public institutions and the PRESIDENCY itself.”

Yes. All mining activity, and more so artisanal mining, is risky. But I do not write here without knowledge . I do not write here without knowing that we must act and why.

📌 I have decided to rescue this excerpt from my interview in the Ser Humano Program, with María Elena Núñez, as a result of all the events that have impacted us recently.

Let’s make the right decisions in time! Let’s make the necessary investments to protect the lives of those who extract the stone that we so proudly exhibit outside as a unique element, as a COUNTRY BRAND!

📌My documentary “In Search of the Blue Heart” or “In Search of the BlueHeart” talks about the life of the Dominican larimar miner.

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  1. What is the truth? I am considering a visit to the DR which would include the Larimar mines. Can the larimar mines be visited now?

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