Amelia Deschamps: I will present my documentary thesis film at DOC NYC
I am honored and happy to tell you that my thesis film “In Search of The Blue Heart” will premiere next week at DOC NYC
I am honored and happy to tell you that my thesis film “In Search of The Blue Heart” will premiere next week at DOC NYC “The time has come to take the leap towards what I have always wanted. Today I see the world from a different perspective. I’m very The American institution is considered one of the best film and acting academies in the world. The event will be hosted by journalist Amelia Deschamps. The journalist is moving on to personal communication projects, which makes the rumours that she would go to work in the State’s communication departments meaningless She expressed that it fills her with pride to know that the work she does contributes to the Dominicans having a better country. Deschamps was part of the television program El Día as a commentator alongside journalists Huchi Lora and Javier Cabreja. In a press release, Deschamps, with more than 22 years in the media, announced that will say goodbye to the proposal that allowed him to serve for more than a decade as an analyst and commentator on the prestigious television project. The journalist and TV producer will leave the morning show she presented with Huchi Lora on Friday. The debate was hosted by Amelia Deschamps, journalist and producer who is part of the cast of the show El Día, and Addis Burgos, lawyer The president of the Dominican College of Journalists, Mercedes Castillo, indicated this Thursday that this guild will be continuously supporting Marino Zapete during the process News about Amelia
Amelia Deschamps: I will present my documentary thesis film at DOC NYC
Amelia Deschamps will join Documentary Filmmaking at the New York Film Academy.
Journalist Amelia Deschamps has been awarded a scholarship from New York
US Embassy in Santo Domingo celebrates live elections
Amelia Deschamps says goodbye to Telesistema’s morning show El Día.
Amelia Deschamps on her departure from “El Día”: Every stage has a beginning and an end
After 10 years Amelia Deschamps says goodbye to the morning show El Día
Amelia Deschamps will leave Huchi Lora’s programme El Día on Friday.
Amelia Deschamps says goodbye to the morning show “El Día”.
ANJE holds debate between candidates for the Senate for the National District
Journalists also express support for Marino Zapete during lawsuit process