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Amelia Deschamps: I will present my documentary thesis film at DOC NYC

I am honored and happy to tell you that my thesis film “In Search of The Blue Heart” will premiere next week at DOC NYC Festival in the DOC NYC U: PORTRAITS category.
It’s a Dominican story 🇩🇴!
After 32 years of working in the dangerous artisanal mine, Daniel is looking to make his last LARIMAR extraction in order to retire.
The result is this 22-minute story that will now be seen by other people.
This short documentary is part of the sample that the New York Film Academy presented to the selection team of the DOC NYC festival, in this 2022 edition.

📌 Screening – In person:
Thursday November 10.
4pm. Cinépolis Chelsea. New York

📌 Online / Online (USA): November 9 and 27.

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