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ONESVIE Director regrets slowness in School Reinforcement Program in vulnerable areas

RC News / July 2, 2024

The director of the National Office of Seismic Evaluation and Vulnerability of Infrastructure and Buildings (ONESVIE in Spanish), Leonardo Reyes Madera, regrets the slow pace in the execution of the Program for the Reinforcement of Schools located in areas vulnerable to earthquakes.

In an interview in the program “Se Vale Preguntar” (It’s Worth Asking) conducted by journalist Amelia Deschamps, the structural engineer affirmed that, although ONESVIE has delivered the evaluation of 62 schools, equivalent to 195 buildings, the Ministry of Education has only started the reinforcement of two of them. He warns that the schools have “a very serious problem” because they were built with a model that was not designed for seismic zones, so they suffer from many weaknesses.

“This last management of Education has been aligned, but too slow, too slow. We do not have time to lose, because when I say we still have time, it is because we have time to prevent, to know what the deficiencies are and begin to correct those deficiencies” added the official.

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